Popular internet service provider CenturyLink provides email services to its clients. It's crucial to have the appropriate email settings in order to set up your CenturyLink email account on different gadgets, such as desktop clients or mobile devices. You will find the appropriate CenturyLink email settings for the POP3, SMTP, and IMAP protocols in this article. Regardless of the device you are using, these settings will guarantee that you can access your CenturyLink email quickly and easily.
We will provide you with the configurations for the incoming and outgoing servers. We'll also go through some easy setup instructions for your iPhone, Android phone, or Outlook.

Centurylink email settings- POP3
The following are your Centurylink email settings for the incoming mail server:
the pop.centurylink.net POP server name.
The recommended port value is 995.
Click SSL when asked to choose a security option.
Centurylink email settings- SMTP
The SMTP settings for Centurylink email are as follows:
The server's name is Smtp.centurylink.net.
587 is the port value.
Whenever TLS is offered, select it.
Please provide your full mail ID as your username.
The server limit is 20 MB by default.
Send to 100 contacts maximum
The cap is set at 100 per hour if you use webmail.
The hourly SMTP transmit limit is 500.
The cap is set at 50 emails per 5 minutes if you use IP for email transmission.
Centurylink email settings- IMAP
IMAP and SMTP email settings for Centurylink are very similar. There are some adjustments that must be made, and we will assist you in doing so.
In the incoming server settings field, type the following:
e-mail.centurylink.net is an IMAP server.
993 is the server port number.
Make sure to select SSL when choosing a security type.
When asked for the username, be sure to use your full CenturyLink email address.
Similar to POP3, the server limit is set by default at 20 MB.
Additionally, the send-to cap is set at 100 contacts, but you can easily purchase an additional cap.
There is a predefined restriction of 100 emails per hour if you are utilizing a webmail provider.
For SMTP, the cap is 500 per hour.
You can only send 50 emails every 5 seconds using the IP-based mail service.
CenturyLink email settings for iPhone
The following are the CenturyLink email settings for iPhone:
Access the iPhone's settings.
Locate and select "Mail, Contacts, and Calendars"
The "Add Account" button is located below the "iCloud" tag. If CenturyLink.net is not listed, click "other."
Choose the "Add Mail Account" option, then type the following information:
Name: Your Name
Email: Your username
Password: Your centurylink.net account password
Description: Centurylink
When finished, click "Next."
Select IMAP under "Incoming Mail Server" and type:
Hostname: mail.centurylink.net
Username: Your full username
Password: Your centurylink.net password
Use SSL: Yes
Authentication required?: Yes, enter the password
Server Port number: 993
Put the following information under "Outgoing Mail Server," and then hit "Enter."
Hostname: smtp.centurylink.net
Username: Your full email address
Password: Your centurylink.net account password
Use SSL: Yes
Authentication?: Password
Server Port: 587
After making the necessary adjustments and saving them, you will be able to access your CenturyLink email on your iPhone.
Summing up:
It's essential to configure the proper email settings for seamless access to your CenturyLink email account across a variety of devices and email clients. You can find the POP3, SMTP, and IMAP protocol settings you need in this guide. You can set up your CenturyLink email account on a variety of devices, including desktop clients and mobile devices like iPhones, by utilizing these configurations. Following these settings will ensure a flawless email experience with CenturyLink, whether you like to utilize POP3, SMTP, or IMAP.
Source URL - https://emailsupport6.blogspot.com/2023/07/centurylink-email-settings-for-pop3.html